At first I want you to have my sincere thanks for bringing this old but very important for its genre game on iOS. But still this port needs some serious improvements. Here are some great suggestions what to fix:
- Do something about controls. Make them more adequate. I know you are trying to keep the game the way it was back in 1992, but ,since its not MS-DOS(PC), I dont think people will complain about few new buttons that would replace some "older" ones. That especially goes to the combat part, which is very complicated with touch screen. Not to mention the "sticking" moment. Also make menu buttons tappable, not controlled by arrow buttons. If that means youll have to change menus layout, then do it. Just keep the art style. Again, this is not PC.
- Would be nice if you could bring back the details of all 3D objects. Here they have less of them than in PC version.
- Fix the music. Some of music tracks play where they are not supposed to. Music in the beginning actually plays when the doors of Derceto close once Edward/Emily go through them.
- It also would be great if you could add voices that read texts(character info, letters, books, notes)
For now that is all. I sincerely ask you to consider all these moments and do something about them. Thank you for understanding!
RaxGhost about Alone in the Dark®